Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yes I Dare

Sometimes I feel like blogging about thoughts or inspirations but then I decide not to because I know not everyone is religious or wants to hear about the things I think about and frankly I am sorta afraid of putting my feelings out there. On the other hand, some of the materials I have been into lately have given me the courage to post anyways. After all, you don't have to read it or agree with me. I've also made a resolution to do more things that are uplifting to others and I'm hoping this counts.

This new found strength began when I started reading Broken Things to Mend by Jeffery R. Holland. There are lots of things I would like to share from his book but this post is dedicated especially to some of the things John Bytheway talks about on the John Bytheway Collection I got for Christmas. One of the talks is titled Turn Off the TV and Get a Life Already. Dare I even go into this talk knowing that I prob have the TV on more than most people do since I am a stay at home mom. Most of the time I just like the background noise while I am working but shameful to say it's usually always on or the radio. His whole talk is one simple truth after another but I will try not to go too far into detail in case you want to hear for yourself. He offers lots of statistics that are astounding but not surprising when I truly think about it. One is that American's watch an average of over 1600 hours of TV a YEAR. This makes me sick to my stomach to think about. Holy Shmolly! He suggests thinking about all the things you could do in 1600 hours. That's 66 days people. Over 2 months! Again I am sick to my stomach when I think of what I could accomplish in 2 months. That's 66 days to spend more time with your kids, to learn to play an instrument, to read more books, to explore the out doors, to help out a neighbor, and so on. John repeats multiple times "Why would you want to sit around watching other people fulfill their own dreams on TV when you COULD be out completing your own dreams. He once decided to cut out his TV watching and wrote his first book in 4 months. Crazy!!! So I thought If I only watch 1 hour of TV a day that's still 15 days a year. 15 days seems like too much TV still but it certainly is a realistic goal. Biggest Loser would be the only show I would really miss anyways and it's only 2 hours a week so I am ok with making that commitment to myself. John talks about all the things that you accomplish watching TV which of course is NOTHING. Actually he says it's MORE than nothing because you actually lose your intellect by watching TV. I won't go into all the statistics and test results they have researched on time spent watching TV because it's just depressing. I will say however that by turning on the TV you are electing to have any of the messages during that program to be permanently permitted into your mind. I feel so guilty when I think of all the shows I watch that have sexual, violent and explicit messages in them. Pretty much every show has something questionable woven in with all the drama and glam of Hollywood and sad to say it's become acceptable and the norm.

Hardly anything on TV is educational, uplifting or motivating these days and there for by watching them I am fulfilling the cause of Satan. What? I am submitting to Satan's plan for me? Yuck! John sites this awesome quote in another talk of his titled No Brainers. I forget who the quote is by but it went something like this "Good and Evil are like two wolves tearing and gnashing at each other inside me. When asked which wolf is winning he states the one I feed the the most." Double Yikes right? He sited this quote when talking about the problems with pornography addictions. He talked about Ted Bundy's last interview the day before he was executed and how he said over the LONG years he spent in prison the one he had in common with his fellow criminal inmates (rapist, murderers, etc) was their involvement with pornographic material. So John asks "Do you really want to be involved with the same trash as the people like Ted Bundy?" Idealy it would be great if you never started any addictive behavior. If you don't drink one beer you can't drink two. But of course part of the problem with any addiction is if you do it once it's hard not to do it again. Which is why I love the quote about the wolves because even though addictions may be hard to over come they DO become easier the more you feed your spirit with wholesome materials like the scriptures and other uplifting and encouraging material. I may not have any serious addictions like drinking or what not but other habits are also difficult to break, like sarcasm, having a bad attitude or watching TV. I hate the feeling I get after I've spent too much time watching TV or doing other activities that have no reward whatsoever. I feel guilty for not spending enough time doing things that are super great and make me happy like reading awesome books and spending time with my family. I've never felt guilty or unhappy after teaching Kingston or reading the scriptures with Bret and yet those are things I tend to drag my feet on. Watching TV may seem easy but really, is it easy to to break the habit? Is it easy to deal with the negative thoughts and images that replay over in your mind at any time? Pushing it even firther is it easy to repent for the sins or depression you run into after having your spirit weakened from being desensitized by the things you watch and listen to? I submit that it is NOT! (LOL)

I am 100% NOT telling anyone what to do nor am I trying to give anyone advice or a guilt trip on what they should and shouldn't watch. I merely wanted to relate my personal experience this last month as I slowly started changing the little things in my life and the HUGE impact they have made. Just from reading/listening to those books and talks I have felt a change in me to be kinder to my husband and to be more sensitive to the spirit. I've felt less like watching crude TV or listening to inappropriate music. I can't wait to start my new goal to limit my time spent watching TV and I welcome the positive changes I know will take place in me and my home. So yah, those are my thoughts :)


Kelliann said...

Thanks for "daring". I really like to blog about things that I think are inspirational, exciting, or mean a lot to me and I enjoy reading about others who find things that change their lives. Keep posting them!

Stacy said...

Thanks Becki, Something I needed to have brought to my attention.

I would live our baby girls to meet after London arrives. (Haylie and Kingston too!)

brett and carly said...

Thank you - I loved all your thoughts! It's funny because I've been thinking a lot lately about how back when Brett and I were first married (and for the first almost 2 years) we didn't have a tv. And it was great! We were fine without one! Now we have a tv. And cable. And dvr. It's ridiculous really. Thanks for inspiring me!

Unknown said...

I loved this post! It's exactly what people (mostly me!) need to be reminded of! I haven't read that Bytheway book yet but now I totally will!
Caleb and I made it a point to put some hard-core ratings restrictions on our TV (like only PG with NO sex, language, AND violence-sadly it doesn't leave much!), and resolved to not watch anything that showed up blocked. (except the Biggest Loser-cuz we both love it). This simple act has gotten me down to watching maybe 3 or 4 hours/week of a higher quality selection. It's amazing how much time has been freed up!
I spent the day with your fabulous sis-in-law doing hygiene stuff and remembered that my hubby has totally spaced calling Bret about the baby things. I will get him to call this afternoon-perhaps we can meet up over the weekend?

Brittney said...

Man Becki you sure do know how to make a girl depressed!!! Just straight up tell her what she is doing wrong!!! Man that was a kick in the butt! Everything you just said is me to a T. I watch tv 24/7 because I say "thats all there is to do!" But really I am just very lazy! I want to thank you for putting this on your blog knowing I read your blog:) But at the same time dont want to say thank you because I know my faults but at the same time cant stop. I love my tv shows that I watch:) But I am going to try to stop and pick up more books to read and play with my kids more. Thanks Becki for this amazing insight! I love John Bytheway!!!!

Bret said...

Yeah, I know. My wife is amazing.