Saturday, February 7, 2009

All the Perks (continued)

... here they are crashed out in my living room after making it through 5 min. of space chimps.
Since their parents decided to stay another day in Las Vegas we took our own little mini vacation to the Renaissance Fair.
The girls were so excited to see the fairy first thing.
Keaton did the maze and got a little coin at the end.
then the girls took a ride on the elephants... (I didn't get a good pic though :(
The Wildman show was our favorite.
Kingston was riveted by their mudcapade.
Actually I think the tree man thingy fascinated him the most.
..and of course KB had to pet the dog. He sat in the audience saying dog in SL the whole time till he could finally go up to him after the show. lol
Lets see, there was lots of food and other shows and walking and other stuff we did there but I am too tired to type it all out. But we had a blast.

We stopped to get stuff to make our own chocolate covered bananas to eat and played some wii. Then surprisingly I had enough energy to play in the back with Bret and the kids. We played some football keep away game that Bret made up (lots of running). I figured any rigorous activity is welcome at this stage if it will encourage labor.
Kingston gets so excited to be outdoors especially when their is a ball to play with. He falls a lot when he is excited and it's really funny. I'm shocked he was still so happy and energized at this point in the day after skipping 2 naps.
I had so much fun hanging out with the kids and I am glad my sister let me watch them. I am lucky to have lots of awesome nephews and nieces who play with kingston and help me out. It's pretty much the greatest.


Dr. Bob said...
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Anonymous said...

You should pretty much be in labor after reading all off that activty you did. By the way Kingston is going to be a major heartbreaker!