Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Camera Phone

I was going though the pics on my phone and found some funny ones from the last few months. Yay for having a camera phone handy when you don't have a camera.

Here is Kingston modeling one of London's dresses for us. If she looks anything like KB she will be such a pretty girl. Yes, Bret was 100% against this activity.
Mommy wasn't quick enough getting KB down for his nap so he fell asleep mid playtime in the the middle of the living room. Haha.
Kingston drinking his own yoohoo at 11 months. Gotta love the weird chocolate drink made from earths mystery chemicals.
The toy box is always more entertaining then the toys in it.
Kingston learned to color in nursery and now it's one of his favorite things to do.
Using my tummy as a recliner...
Using my tummy as a sketch pad.
Kingston's chillax chair for his videos.

1 comment:

Colton said...

I think its going to be a while before London fits into that dress.