This is a close up of me right smack in the middle of a pleasant contraction... Never again!
This video is kind of embarrassing but funny nonetheless. It was taken right after the epidural kicked in. A night and day difference for those who were there.
This is me checking on my little guy in ICU. I really love this birthing center. They have baby lojack for all their patients. It's not really lojack but they do clamp a security device on each baby that will trigger all alarms if the baby is even close to an exit or somewhere they shouldn't be.
His bionic arm (IV). This thing was huge but necessary for his antibiotics and blood cultures. You can see his tiny heart monitor tab under his chin.
This cute little bootie is actually a pulse oximeter that tracks how much oxygen is in his blood. They let us keep all his little attachments and gadgets... my fav is his blood pressure cup.
Becki you are a champ! I am so glad everything is good now and that all are happy and healthy! Good job you guys... he is such a cutie! Can't wait to see more pics of him learning fun new tricks!
That's right girl, love that epiduraL!! I was wrong tho.. you do get an award for trying to do it without drugs, but you get the same one if you do, and you did. BABY KINGSTON!
FYI... sleep now while you can. jk. just take care and congrats again.
Congratulations! We couldn't be happier for the two of you. He sure is a cutie!
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