Monday, December 24, 2007

My gift to you...

Since one of my favorite things in life is comedy and laughter that is what I decided to give all my friends and family this year for Christmas. I hope you aren't offended but it is kind of a re-gift since Tami first gifted it to me. This is what I would consider a gift that keeps on giving. You can watch it as many times as you want and laugh as loud as you want. Plus, Bonus! I won't be there to see if you hate it and don't like it at all, so you don't have to fake like you do. Amazing! I know. So, press play and enjoy the Christmas spirit.



Hey Becki...I would love to have your friend or you take the pictures. Would you be willing to help edit them too if needed? Anyway, just let me know if I need to call you or your friend to set up an appointment....we can really do it whenever it's most conveinent for you. Thanks! Naomi.

Tara L. Stradling said...

That was so unbelieveably painful, yet I couldn't stop listening to it. HILARIOUS!

Rylee said...

Hey Becki, I'm so glad I got to see Kingston. He is beautiful! The signing videos we use are called "baby signing time" by Rachel De Azavedo Cole. They make others that are just called "signing time" that you'll want when King gets older.

Whitings said...

The video was halarious. Hope you guys had a Merry Chirstmas. Wish we could've seen Kingston. Trey and Lauren said he was so cute. Well have a Happy New Years!