Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Gathering

Kingston is so adorable in his car seat. I want to take a picture every time he is in it :)

Anyways, We went to my mom's house for a Christmas party. All the grandkids we so excited to meet their new cousin. Garrett was especially excited and interested. He was so soft and gentle and didn't want to let go of baby K. Kingston wants to grow up and be cute like all his cousins... but not anytime soon because mommy likes him small and cuddly.
We always do a gift exchange and all the grandkids usually get a fun gift from G-ma and G-pa.
This year all the kids got homemade stationary kits to write letters to G-ma and G-pa to keep in touch while they live in Utah. Grandma and Carli worked very hard to make them for everyone.
Then the adults exchanged gifts too. Carli and Paul got us The Bourne Collection. I am super duper excited about it. They got King a SkippyJon Jones book/doll.
I never heard of SkippyJon Jones before but it's so funny that the adults liked it as much as the kids. We wanna get King the whole collection now. (Thanks Carli and Paul) funny little chihuahua/cat.
We normally play nertz but Bret discovered his natural talent for Guitar Hero. Watching him was the best concert I've ever been too. He really was super good at it for his first time. He's so hot!
Yep, I am not used to being up all night so I sleep when I can... even though I missed out on the party :(

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