Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our 1st Family Pictures

We had our pictures done this weekend. We were so excited about how cooperative King was. He didn't fuss too much and stayed awake for most of them. It went perfect except for when he sprayed Bret and the Photographer mid-air. Haha!

To see the rest of the pictures of our beautiful boy click HERE.



Becki and Bret congrats on little Kingston, he is adorable! I am so glad to hear he arrived safely and that you are doing well Becki. I forgot forever ago to give you the link to our blog it's

Also, who did your pictures they are beautiful...I haven't found a photographer yet, I have my fingers crossed for a delivery sometime this week!
Naomi and Andy Shuldberg

Brittney said...

Oh my gosh those are absolutely beautiful! who took those pics? I saw your hubbie today at church and gave him my number so you could call me. I dont have your phone number but I want to come visit you. So call me girlie.

Cori Carpenter said...

Becki, he is sooo cute!! Congrats again! We'll have to come up and see him soon!!