Sunday, December 9, 2007

Best Daddy

Bret stayed up super late last night trying to post about Kingston for me. He was soooo tired but he stayed up to post it anyways. He didn't even go straight to bed after that because I was super drugged and couldn't go down to the ICU to feed Kingston so Bret went down and fed him for me around 2am and changed his diaper. He has changed his poopy diapers 3 times already and I haven't even had to touch one yet. He said he is keeping score though so I better get on the ball. Anyways, He is soooo good to me and loves his boy so much. I had the nurse snap a pic of him out cold cuz he looks so cute. Did I pick a good one or what?

1 comment:

Rusty and Ashley said...

Congratulations to you guys! Way to go you sure did make a cute one! Glad mom and baby are doing well! Let us know when we can come and visit!