Kingston and Becki's very first time breast feeding. Both Becki and Kingston are pro's already. And doesn't my wife look sooo stinkin' good! Even during delivery and after the C-section she's still smokin' hot. She is getting pretty swollen from all the fluids, pain meds, antibiotics and of course the surgery but they said it should go down within a few weeks.
Our happy little family. Becki did such a great job. She is going to be such an awesome Mommy!
Awwww look at my cute little baby boy! And he's so photogenic too! He's had more pics taken of him the 1st 24 hours of his life then some people do their entire live's!
Poor little guy- Because he was born with such a high temperature and with the risk of getting some of the infection passed on to from Becki, he needs to have some extra special care and monitoring given to him to make sure all is well and gets well. So they put both Becki and him on Antibiotics (the IV on his right hand) for a minimum of 48 hours. He has to stay in the nursery downstairs while Becki and I are upstairs. It has been kind of a bummer to not be able to hold him all the time right now, but we understand that he needs some extra lovin' right now. He is doing great though and we get to go feed him all the time or just go sit with him whenever we want to.
Here is my handsome son almost 1 day old and in his first onesie. We can't tell who he looks like yet. He looks so much better after only 1 day. The inflammation in his head has gone down a lot already and his color looks all glowing like a newborn now. He has this little tuft of hair right on top of his head that I like to stick up in a little mohawk. Haha.
Hey look , I shaved! Yes, the Infusion "Beard-off" was finally over so I could chop off the ridiculousness. Thanks honey for letting me look ugly, I mean extremely manly, for about a month!
Kingston has been such a pleasure. He almost never cries and when does it's soft and only for a short while. The nurses just love taking care of him because he is always so content and easy to please. We can't believe how smart he is. Everything has come so natural to him and he just makes us so happy. We just can't get enough!
We've been told that he might be released from ICU on Sunday which means we will get to have him in our room and he will be allowed visitors (over 13yrs) at that time.
CONGRATS! He's really cute
how sad seeing him hooked up to all those wires! So cute your just going to love it!
I wrote a song:
Happy Birthday
Baby K
You were on your way
Now you're here to stay
Sent down from above
we'll give you lots of love
Little boy King
you're our everything!
Hi Bret, this is Katie Davis, I came across your blog through Rylee's, anyway, I just wanted to say Congrats. Seeing the pictures of your little one hooked up to machines brought me right back to when my little one was in the hospital for so long. It is so hard to have them away from you! I hope Kingston is doing great and that you are home and doing well. He is beautiful.
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