Friday, January 9, 2009

Free Stuff

I have a brown Nikon Coolpix camera and 250gb free agent hard drive I am giving away for free. HOWEVER, they are BOTH defective. The power works on both but for some reason they don't work right :( So if you are an electronics junky or like to take things apart and fix things you can have them. If not I am throwing them away.


Cori Carpenter said...

Hey! Do I get first dibbs because I have the first comment? Eli likes tinkering with those kinds of things!!

Tiffany*Adam*Jocelyn*Parker said...

Hey if you haven't gotten rid of them yet. I could see if Adam can fix them. I was actually gonna go out today to buy a camera but if he can fix yours that might be helpful. Just let me know. :) THanks