Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Challenge

I really liked the idea Shye has going on her blog about posting something I am Thankful for each day of November, so I am taking on her challenge...

November 1st: Today, I was especially thankful that I could wake up before Bret for once so I could make him Breakfast and do something nice for him for a change. He is usually gone before Kingston or I even wake up and he gives up so much every single day for our family. He is a machine so anything I can do to make it up to him is GREAT. I hope this challenge will keep me doing more and more for him and help me appreciate all the madness he goes through for me and our kids.

143 Babe!

1 comment:

Whitings said...

That is such a good idea! So what was Kingston for Halloween? I have to say thanks again for such a great weekend at Roosevelt. You guys are great! Hopefully if we do it again I will be feeling better and be more sociable...