Monday, November 3, 2008

Autumn in Utah

I had the chance to fly to Utah for 11 days while Bret battled finals in his masters program of Accounting. I don't have many pictures because my camera kicked the bucket but it was a very relaxing much needed Break. I got to spend time with my mom, dad and my brother and sister and my favorite twin brother in the world. I can't believe how beautiful and wonderful it is there. The only thing that brought me back to the sweltering heat in az was my Sweetie pie. I hated leaving him for so long but it helped him to stay focused and study hard for his tests. It must have worked because he got A's and B's in his classes! Yeah! One semester down two to go.

As you can see Kingston is a big fan of flying. He helped himself to a window seat on the plane in a lap of stranger from Scottsdale.

he also got a nice taste of sweets in a long ride through the canyon.

I love spending time with this little yummy bear!

I already miss my family in Utah :( I can't wait to go back!

1 comment:

simplyshye said...

He is just the cutest thing I think too ... I find myself missing him during the week when we don't get to hang out on sundays
:-) -- shye