Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 4 & 5

Yesterday {Nov. 4th} I spent the second half of my day handicapped on my couch from some freak sciatic nerve thing. Not only did Bret sympathize over my unexplained weird nerve thing but he totally took care of me. "babe, will you heat this hot pack?" and "babe, can you turn of that light?" "will you hand me that?" and lots of "babe, can you help me get up?" Poor guy was practically my slave all night when he was the one at work all day. I am so thankful for my superman husband who takes care of me my odd pregnancy side effects. I don't deserve him.

{Nov 5th} There comes a day in every pregnancy when you wake up, look in the mirror and declare "holy COW I am huge!!!". Poor Bret has had to listen to me complain about my self esteem for the last two weeks because of this realization. Today, I am thankful for something I have been resenting. My "big fat belly" {as I refer to it every day} keeps my baby girl healthy and safe. Because of my "big fat belly" Bret and I spend special moments feeling her kick and move. Because of my "big fat belly" Kingston and I have Tummy Drum time. Because of my "big fat belly" I'm getting exactly what I want, so Welcome BELLY! I am thankful for you!

{slap me if I complain about my belly again.}

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