Thursday, November 6, 2008

DAy 6

I'm Thankful for the little things, the things that I don't need but things that make my life so great!

1. Orange tic tacs. sweet treats and an easy bribe for KB.

2. Vanilla softlips. 'nough said.

3. Wave, my fav. way to was my skin.

4. Reach flosser, never leave home with out it.

5. The best glitter top coat I've ever found.

There's so many things we enjoy every single day just because the times we live in. LOVE it!

1 comment:

Barnes Blog said...

Ok, I just saw your Mama Mia dance on Deanna's blog and it was so cute, I love the Animal Crackers one too. I miss AZ so much when I see things lke that, I forget how much we loved that ward and how many fun girls there are to hang out with, and I'm missing it. thanks a lot, you made me homesick.
How are you doing the pregnancy thing and not wanting to kill your self and sometimes you little guy? Sorry I have had a day from you know where today and honestly NEVER want to be pregnant again.
Sorry, venting a lottle(little+lot)
Anyway, you look great, keep up the cheerful attitude, it helps me.