Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I didn't forget...

I didn't forget to write down my thanksgivings, I just haven't had time to blog them. So here they are...

11. I am thankful Whippy Cake because it makes it possible for me to help out with finances, especially for the holiday season.

12. For music! Especially Christmas Music even though Bret won't let me listen to it until after Thanksgiving.

13. Those really sweet commercials where people help out other people. Sometimes I need to be reminded that not all the world is bad.

14. Text messaging. (this one is for you Brit) because I really do depend on texting in many situations.

15. Umm. Paypal, Hello! One of the greatest things invented since google.

16. Chistmas lights, nothing brings the Christmas spirit like Christmas lights. I can't help but think of how pretty they are and hoe they draw you in JUST like the LIGHT of Christ.

17. Twilight the Movie. Even a low budget film with some cheesy acting and special effects is enough to make me wanna see it over and over again. I'm not ashamed.

18. My car, I know it's funny looking my i truly like my Scion even more than my bug. and $20 for one tank of gas that will last me two weeks is pretty much unbeatable. I am so lucky to have it thanks to my sweetie!

19. Tithing, I can't help but know that all of our financial blessings are a direct result of tithing, especially since Bret has been in school.

20. Thankful that Buddy's boat flooded my camera and killed it because I got a new one that is WAAAY better and I LOVE it! It just goes to show that just because something bad happens doesn't mean something good won't happen in return.

21. I have some pretty awesome sisters! They are always there to help me out, hang out and talk to. What more could I want.

22. Babysitters! I only have one child right now yet I feel that if I didn't have awesome people to take him off my hands once in a while I would NEVER get anything done.

23. The magical world of Disney. Why I waited to go to Disneyland till I was 24 i just don't know but I am going back! Soon i hope!

24. Hookups. I wouldn't have been able to go to Disneyland if we didn't have awesome friends to take us and hook us up big time. (more to come later)

25. Weddings. Having the chance to witness a sealing in the temple is a special thing that is amazing to experience. I am Thankful for Kari's new AWESOME husband and I'm thankful I could be there and feel the intense spirit in the LA temple despite the chaos and turmoil taking place around it. What an awesome experience it was to be there and what a perfect wedding.

26. Arizona Traffic. Yes, that's right, after sitting in LA traffic I hope to never complain about traffic in az because it's just not that bad compared.

27. Baths. The only way I know how to wind down from a crazy day. And I will add Bath and Body works to this one since It's even better with Bubble Bath.

28. Kingston is walking. FINALLY. He was being stubborn and frustrating me but now he is on the move... all the time. So I hope that means no more knee stains and dirty hands and feet.

29. Thanksgiving with the Crosby's. Woa what an understatement. I LOVE Eagar, games, food and the Crosby's, so when I get them all together I am happy. I had such an awesome experience.

30. I am thankful for Bret's Thanksgiving family devotional. Bret sure knows how to bring the spirit into a home. We had a special family meeting and the things that were shared by everyone have really touched me for good and left me with the desire to strive for greatness and gratitude all the time. It was the perfect way to end Thanksgiving and to start this most special month where we celebrate the birth of Christ. I am so giddy about it I just can't help it! I have the coolest guy(s) alive.

1 comment:

Colton said...

Wow, you DO have a lot for which to be thankful.

That sounded really weird, but I couldn't bring myself to end a sentence with a preposition.