Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Fortune

Sometimes I can hardly believe the treasures people donate to Goodwill. Take these hand crafted salt and pepper people shakers for example. They are far to perfect to just throw away. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??? Too bad Goodwill had the sense to price the set at the steep price of $1 or those beauties would have been mine! Someday I hope to afford myself such luxuries, until then someone else will not believe their fortune when they stumble upon them. Lucky!



Kari said...

Well your birthday is in August... maybe, just MAYBE they will still be there... if you are lucky. I'll be sure to send Bret Boy a little reminder text come August:)

Tami said...

WOW! those are little treasures for sure. I mean really- are those faces hand pained on? I can't believe you passed them up:)