Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I had laprauosptloic (sp?) surgery on Friday. It was pretty AWESOME. Actually it kind of was awesome because medically induced sleep is ALWAYS awesome. I think if there was a street drug for anesthesia I would find a dealer. (I promise I really wouldn't bc that would be wrong, but I'm just saying I would be tempted.) The need behind the much appreciated surgery was a rogue IUD. It's kind of a complicated story but lets just say for a long period of time my IUD had an identical twin floating around outside his home (aka my uterus)  and taunting him with an extra dose of hormones and maybe a few unwarranted comments like "you can't find me!!!" and "neener neener boo boo!".  I'm no medical expert but I am pretty sure double of any kind of control is no bueno especially when the birth control host (me) has no clue about the second IUD hidden in her abdomen.... but let's not dwell on that tinsy little detail. What's done is done and I am officially and medically birth control free and aside from a few uncomfortable side effects from the surgery I am happy as can be! Happy happy HAPPY!

So that's my big story. I kinda wasn't sure when, how or if I should blog about it because it's pretty personal and some might find it tacky of me to mention plus, there isn't really a casual way to talk about IUD's, birth control and baby making. However, lots of you have been asking and I've never been much of a private person so here you have it for your entertainment.

The good news: 
1. I now have something to blame the past two years of my cranky female mood swings on.
2. I know why the last 8 months have been a baby making bust.
3. Problem solved :)
4. We can start trying again anytime we want. (bring it!)

On a serious note. Thank you to everyone who has been understanding and supportive and plain ol' interested in our slightly odd situation. We are blessed with divine friends and family who always come through for us. You rock guys!


Jacqui said...

Whoa, that's crazy! That makes me scared to try that form of birth control EVER! I'm glad you figured it out! I'll send you some good baby vibes! :-)

Stacy said...

strike 3 for IUDs... I had a perforated uterus twice when trying to have one placed (I freed up the road for 1998 other women to NOT have that happen) I am sorry you had to go through all this but I am very happy for you to be able to return to your fertile myrtle ways :-) Bring one the BABY(s) and feel better since you got cut into and all.

Hannah said...

thinking of you.

Lisa said...

glad you are feeling better! hopefully all your "air bubbles" are out!! wink. thanks for you help the other night. I loved all the movies.

Brittney said...

NO WAY?!?! That is seriously crazy!!! I have an IUD in and am getting it out soon so we can start the baby making process as well:) I am just REALLY scared that mine will be lost as well! I'm praying it isn't and it will come out just fine! Maybe we we will be preggo together:)

Barnes Blog said...

SO cute, you and Britt should definitely get peggo at the same time.....go.
I am sorry you had a lap, I had one a few years back for endometriosis and it was not fun, lots of pain in my shoulders and such, I hope you didn't have that.
I love ya lady and I hope that process is exciting and successful. Love me some babies.