Monday, October 15, 2007


If these images are more than familiar to you, you are most likely a hopeless addict like myself. While I was on vacation, time stopped long enough for me to do some recreational reading by myself so I decided to find out what all the fuss is about regarding "Twilight". Of course by the second chapter I was more than just hooked. I can't be sure because i have never been addicted to anything in the past but the Twilight serious is definitely NOT something i could put down and walk away from. I'm so serious about it that I almost don't want to recommend it to anyone because i would hate to subject them to the empty desperate feeling you WILL get as you finish the last chapter of Eclipse knowing that the next book won't be out until FALL 2008. Cruel I know.

Needless to say Stephanie Meyer is officially one of the most talented writers EVER! Truly hypnotic I tell you. She is my favorite ever, not just because she grew up where I did and because she is LDS, but because she has written a phenomenon. I mean, her books bumped all 7 of the Harry Potter Books out of the #1 spot on New York Times Best Seller list. She is that good!

Let this be a warning to all you HUSBANDS!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Yeah I havent read them personally, but I didnt have a roomate for about a week and a half because she was addicted as well, she read all three in nine days! So i think I will hold off reading til Christmas break!