Sunday, March 27, 2011


Bret discovered a wondrous little nest development right on our front door. Two little love birds decided my glitter wreath was right where they wanted to start a family. Sure enough, in their perfectly crafted nest are 4 tiny little perfect eggs. I am so excited for them to hatch and hope the family of birds stays in the nest forever. I am all excited and worked up about it. It just makes me so happy! You all must come and visit me so you can see the their perfect dwelling. LOVE.


Shelley said...

That is soo Awesome! I wonder what kind of birds they are?? How fun for you and the kids!!

Barnes Blog said...

Seriously, that is picture perfect. I love your pics, are you using PS, what action is that??? I need some tips on PS.
I love your outlook on it, it makes me feel ashamed. We had some sweet nesters make a home in our outdoor chandelier on our front porch. They had 3 babies who hatch and would chirp all the time it was SO sweet, but I got annoyed of all the poop, so when they were out I ripped that nest our so they wouldn't come back. What a Grinch....LOVE.

Barnes Blog said...

Ya, it didn't work, they are back for more. let's compare our baby birdies. Let me know when your hatch, I'll keep you posted on mine.