Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a 2 year old Lo

Lo had a birthday shout hooray! She turned 2 which is just wrong if you ask me. She is still tiny and bald as ever so it's almost easy to pretend she is still my little baby but her smart antics and her extended vocabulary can sometimes ruin the fantasy. 

For her birthday we got together with some of her cousins and had lunch at Peter Piper Pizza. After the kids were done playing all the games and ransacking the prize counter we skipped over to Jump & Shout which was basically like heaven for everyone involved. The kids were happy to disappear into the giant indoor jungle gym and the bounce houses and the parents were just happy to see the kids disappear ;) Lo got some pretty darling gifts including a unicorn (it's so FLUFFY!!!) and Blossom who is the newest Lalaoopsie doll. Lo Lo calls her "aweshome".  

Lo is still spicy as ever but we had a fun day and I was happy we got to spend it with family. You could say the whole day was aweshome!


Stephanie McDonnell said...

Awww. Happy birthday, Lo! I hear what you mean though, Becki. It is wrong! Lana is gonna be three next month. What the french, toast?! THREE?!! She has declared a sprinkle (her word for glitter) party. Oh golly. I've been on the hunt for just the right kind of edible glitter.

Tami said...

Oh little London is getting big! What sweet pictures of her!