Saturday, March 5, 2011

Have I Ever?

Have I ever said that I am thankful for the guy who holds my hand? Probably not because I don't do well with sentimental expressions and those sorts of whatnot's. Aside from being a heartless female I can say that it has meant a lot to me to have him beside me through the good news and the bad the past 5 years, especially these last 8 months of baby issues (those issues being no bun in my oven of course). Not getting pregnant when you're as fertile as I am is a whole new kind of frustrating and a wee bit scary for me.  It has been a curious experience to be sure but it has recognizably brought us closer together. I've seen a different side of him as I've gotten more anxious and sad with the growing pile of negative PT's.  He is sweet for comforting me and playing with my hair when I cry and he is sexy when he is being a dad to the kids we have already been blessed with. I just feel lucky to have had him here to reassure me this whole time and I hope he never goes away even if I am a silly impatient girl.


The Brinkerhoff's said...

Hang in there girl!!! I know how it is Travis and I struggled for 5 long years but now we have our two miracles!!!

Barnes Blog said...

I'm sorry, I have been out of the loop, I didn't know you were trying. We did that for about 3 years, it's hard! It will for sure bring you closer, There is a bigger plan that we don't always understand. but there is always help.
I love ya! Hang in there.
How long has it been?