Sunday, November 15, 2009

still thankful...

day 13: Nicholas Sparks. I can't stop reading his books right now.

day 14: Infusionsoft's Outlook integration. Quite easily the most spectacular app known to mankind. Spectacular enough to get me to buy windows to run on my mac. That's right I betray my loyalties to my mac by infecting it with windows' operating system so I can use this fabulous plug-in that makes my job 10x easier. Thankfully I can toggle between windows and Mac OS X.

day 15: Tonight I let myself get carried away searching through old post on our blog and I stopped at a post from London's Birth. I stare at this photo of Bret and I holding this sweet angel sent to us directly from God. I some how saw our family in a different light at that moment. You see, I read these blogs of heroic women who make being a wife and mother sound like poetry and I long to have those same indescribable moments. Though I am far from being a diligent house keeper and I doubt I will ever be able to get out of bed before 7:30, I can say that I do have that ideal family I long for. I look at pictures of us together and think "I want that!" and I have it. That one moment from that one picture makes it impossible not to be thankful for my whole life because it all lead to what I have now. I find myself already missing that tiny little baby and those unforgettable first moments Bret and I spent with her. It certainly makes it hard to wait for our next one.

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