Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let the fun begin

Have I mentioned that Kingston is up to no good? If it's quiet at my house something is being ripped apart, squished, eaten, stepped on, chewed on, dumped out, dunked in the potty, spilled, slapped, stinkified, climbed on, or flying through the air. I am reading up on what the "experts" say is the best way to handle these situations but for the most part I just do my best not to laugh because most of the time I think it's hilarious! How can someone as cute and adorable as him be so messy and cranky? Ah well, I love him mess and all.
(I didn't want that protein bar anyways)
(ummm, CUTEST hat at Old Navy, so sad we couldn't take it home with us)


Heather said...

He is so cute. Little boys will get into trouble that's for sure. Little girls just have BIG attitudes.

Carli said...

You really not suppose to laugh when he does something naughty! No matter how cute they are!

simplyshye said...

he is so cute ... he's already got some dance moves ! love him !