Monday, March 23, 2009

10 things I hate about Rennai

Dear Rennai,
Thanks a lot for coming over tonight, I wish I could say it was fun but it WAS NOT! I never wanna see your face again actually. So I have compiled a list of 10 things I hate about you.
  1. You look like this (see image below) and well... I do NOT. You suck!
2. "Cut down on your carbs" you say. That's like saying "and NO MORE happiness". (Bryan Regan plug.)
3. Medicine ball + back press = I hate you.
4. Can someone get me a bowl with some fruit to put the rest of my jello (legs) in.
5. For correcting me when I say that I can eat all the Mexican food I want since it is 95% protein. (I suppose there is no Easter Bunny either!)
6. Back Kicks! Next time you better watch out or I might back kick you in the face.
7. Thanks for the work out clothes (that are TOO BIG for YOU). They are a little (LOT) snug on me but with your help (ABUSE) they might fit how the designer intended (someday).
8. For making me drink that sick vanilla protein stuff. It tasted like poison.
9. For making me have a positive attitude and not letting me give up on the 5th rep (ok 2nd rep).
10. and finally I hate you already for coming back tomorrow and making me do it all again.

PS. I thought about it and I decided even though I don't like you right now I still LOVE YOU forever and ever for being my buddy and for helping me grow muscles. Please forgive me for reasons 1 through 10.


Colton said...

This was quite entertaining.

Rennai said...

Just wait, you'll hate me a lot for the next 3 months until you see your before and after pics! I'm so proud of you, you're doing very well :)

Heather said...

I hate Rennai now too

simplyshye said...

remember me NOT to ask ... or help you with anything -- hehe LOL - i don't want a " 10 " list
It will be worth it --- cause rennai says so .!!

Brittney said...

K seriously WHY are you complaining?!?! If I had someone willing to come to me and kick my butt I would SO do it!!!! I NEED it sooooo bad more than you!!!!! Where is my Rennai:)?!?! I'm available come help me:)

Barnes Blog said...

I so wish I were in AZ! I need a workout buddy, someone is willing to hurt and cry with me, I don't want no sissy aerobics I want some butt-kickin. I don't aspire to look like Rennai(because that just seems impossible) but I do aspire to look like you, and if you tell me different I'll hurt you, even you after a baby is something to look forward to(I'm not quite sure if that came out right, I can't figure out how to put it into words, but anywho you look good and I want to be you.) I heart YOU!