Monday, December 14, 2009

Big2 {continued}

It's a big shock having a two year old. In a blink of an eye he went from crawling to running and from babbling to talking. I can almost handle the changes until I start thinking about London growing up as quickly too and I just don't want it to happen. I love the baby stages and not the stubborn, defiant "I am smarter than you mom" stage. However, time defies me as well and they grow up non the less. Blast!

Here are some things about Kingston in tribute to his transition into toddler-hood.

1. He knows the alphabet. Not the sing song repeat what you hear. Oh no, he recognizes each letter and knows the sound they make.
2. The kid will not say "Car". Refuses to.
3. If he hears a fart he will undoubtedly smile and shout "Toot" and snicker. So don't try to sneak one by him people, he will call you out. {Thank Bret for that}
4. The first thing he does when he sees another child is usually a kick or a punch and sometimes a full on tackle. {any ideas how to overcome this behavior?} He is frequently kicked out of nursery. I am not sure why he thinks this violent sort of hello is friendly but I'd be truly happy if it stopped.
5. He asks multiple times a day to watch football or the news.
6. He will swindle or barter just about anything for a snack or treat.
7. A lover of dough dough {or play dough}
8. He has a radar for pacies
9. He is a wiz at animals and their sounds.
10. He is well on his way to knowing his numbers and colors.
11. The child is an athlete.
12. He steam rolls over Lo Lo a minimum of 20 times a day.
13. He will eat noonles or an ottdog for every meal.
14. He has a British accent.
15. He shakes his bum bum like his dad.

Life with this kid is never dull and how happy I am to receive a kiss and a hug from this maniac. Loves!


Bret said...

For those of you wondering, yes I taught him about "toots". It's a father's job right? And yes, I taught him some sweet dance moves too that I'm sure he'll thank me for later when he is swooning the ladies. I wouldn't say he's an athlete yet, he first needs to run with both arms swinging instead of only one. Congratulations kid on surviving the first two year's of your life. You're well on your way to becoming a fine young man.

Burgess said...

LOVE the new family pictures!

He asks to watch the news....that's just funny!

Anonymous said...

Hi friend! Weird how we life goes by and then I wonder how you are doing. It looks like you are up to a lot of great things. This post seriously hurts my heart. I have a lump in my throat thinking of how soon my little Jack will be Kingston's age. He turns one in a few weeks and I can't stand it. Please make it stop! Happy Birthday K! Be good to your mommy.

Tami said...

haha he is so stinkin cute! even if he can be a little naughty now that he is two. That list cracks me up