Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm so Gangsta.

I made the mistake of waxing my eyebrows in the same room as King. It's funny how kids have perfect timing. Consequently I have half an eyebrow above my left eye. Don't worry though, it's only noticeable if you look at it. I am thinking about getting a temporary piercing there just to capitalize on my new gangsta look.

Surprisingly, I didn't react at Kingston, after all I should know better. Somethings are just not worth getting upset about, especially when it's as funny as taking off an eyebrow.


Jen said...

We, the readers, would like a documented picture, please! We're waiting!

Unknown said...

there should absolutely be a picture associated with this story !...too funny.

Kasha said...

Please post a picture. I promise not to laugh. What did he do to cause that to happen?

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

And I second the motion to post a picture. That makes 3 of us. If it makes you feel any better I have scars on not one, but BOTH, yep BOTH of my eyebrows that allow only half an eyebrow to grow on each. So I pencil mine in, just like old ladies! Cool huh?

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

P.S. Pretty please add me to your newly private blog. ashleemartinsmith@gmail.com