Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Becki's 100 Things

For FHE tonight Bret and I finally wrote our 100 things about our selves. Bret's family each made a list of 100 things to share with each other so we could get know spouses and in-laws. We didn't mean to put it off so long but he was in school and then we were looking for a house and now that we are just waiting on our house we committed to do it. {Bret took a lot longer than me but said he would post his tonight}

  1. I have a twin brother named Brad which I share a special bond with that no one else can understand.
  2. I have been Married to Bret for 3 years and we have 2 babies whom I love more than life itself.
  3. My favorite color changes all the time. (Right now it is yellow)
  4. My favorite flower changes all the time. (Right now it’s a peony)
  5. I weighed the same amount when I met Bret as I did when I gave birth to Kingston (Bret doesn’t believe me)
  6. I love chocolate milk especially when I am pregnant.
  7. I learned to sew from my mother when I was 8 and I HATED it, now I LOVE to sew and I do so all the time!
  8. When I was in junior high I was in a band with all my girlfriends and we wrote our own songs and performed them for my sister’s friends. We were so cool! (none of us played any instruments)
  9. I only shave once a month (if that) because I don’t really grow body hair and what is there is practically invisible. Surprisingly my eyebrows turn into caterpillars if I don’t wax them though.
  10. For like 3 days I was convinced I wanted to join the air force in high school.
  11. I’m deathly afraid of heights. (which is why it was a good thing I never joined the air force)
  12. I love all things creative and artistic.
  13. I can roll my tongue in more than 6 different ways. (Bret just found this out last week)
  14. I am an avid Nie Nie (Stephenie Nielson) reader and dream of being an amazing wife, mother and example like she is.
  15. I used to memorize movie dialog and repeat them to anyone that would listen. I also liked to do impersonations.
  16. I think I tried too hard to get attention growing up.
  17. I hate green chili’s (except in Shelly’s enchiladas)
  18. I never get tired of watching Pride & Prejudice or the Notebook
  19. When Bret and I were dating I kept a journal of everything. I filled up 4 books of our emotional yet passionate relationship.
  20. I used to write poetry until I recently read some of the poems I wrote and decided I suck.
  21. I am extremely ticklish. (Bret tells me it’s mind over matter, that’s when I try to punch him)
  22. I love to people watch.
  23. I secretly dream of becoming a professional comedian. I couldn’t be more serious about wanting to be funny.
  24. It’s my job to make the bed every morning. I usually don’t make the bed until Bret calls me to let me know he is on his way home from work. Oops. Did I just admit to that online?
  25. I used to get to pick out my own box of sugar cereal for my birthday every year. I plan to start this tradition with my kids.
  26. One time a friend (who will remain anonymous) and I went to watch some fellows play softball at the church. When we decided to leave she some how drove forward and ran over the fence to the baseball field with her car. They probably wouldn’t have noticed except I was screaming hysterically and my friend had to tell me to shut up. They finally fixed the fence like year later.
  27. Growing up I would volunteer to hide in the hide-a-bed couch every time we played hide and seek and EVERY time all my siblings would sit on the couch with me still inside it. I fell for it every time (probably because I enjoyed the attention).
  28. I am not really into sports but I am actually a natural athlete. I don’t enjoy working out at all or being active for that matter but I hope to over come that weakness in the near future.
  29. I can remember running away from home with all my belongings in a plastic barbie suitcase. I would run away to the side of our house. I think my longest runaway was like 30 minutes.
  30. I have been held at gun point and escorted in the back of a cop car but was never convicted of anything and thus I have no criminal record.
  31. I was chosen to sing a solo in a school play but didn't got embarrassed until years later when I realized I can’t sing.
  32. I can’t read music either.
  33. I have a personal grammar and spell checker and his name is Bret. He even spell checks my text messages.{he hasn't checked this post yet}
  34. I am 75% deaf in my left ear and sometimes use it to my advantage :)
  35. I have only punched two people in the face. One time was my sister Carli (sorry sis) and I don’t remember why but I do remember locking myself in my room until my mom got home to save my life. The second time was when a co-worker intentionally blew cigarette smoke in my face and I let loose on his jaw. My manager said he had it coming :)
  36. I hit like a girl
  37. I have been told by 3 fertility doctors that I have an incredibly high chance of having twins because both of my ovaries ovulate at the same time . We’ll see about that. No twins yet.
  38. I dislike snowboarding very VERY much.
  39. In high school I was in advanced math. A few days ago I couldn’t calculate what 7x6 was in my head. Sad I know! Bret was disgusted.
  40. When I was 18 I got my personal trainer license and worked at La Fitness. What? I never said I didn’t like making other people work out :) I was a mean trainer.
  41. I went to a charter school in Phoenix for a semester and got two piercings. I doubt I will send my own kids to a charter school. I took the piercings out not much later.
  42. I am a Virgo, my Chinese Zodiac is the Rat and my color code is a mix of Red, Blue and Yellow.
  43. I would love to have a pet snake but Bret says no.
  44. I am not a morning person, unless it is Christmas or I am giving someone a surprise.
  45. I think I wrote a love letter to Jonathan Taylor Thomas once. Then again, I never heard back from him so I must not have sent it.
  46. I find pleasure in burning unwanted or negative keepsakes associated with bad memories like traffic tickets.
  47. I am really bad with names and may be guilty of using Brian Reagan’s “Hey there... Partner?”
  48. 2 weeks before I married Bret I went tanning in a super bed for my first time and the girl set the timer for the full time allotment and I not only burned badly but my face was swollen and puffy for 3 days. My co-worker got me a Red Lobster hat :) Thanks Steven
  49. Steven recorded my voice mail message for me almost 3 years ago and I have never changed it because I love it.
  50. I don’t sweat or at least I haven’t worked hard enough to sweat yet. Either way I am OK with it.
  51. When I met Bret I thought Kari was his girlfriend because she kissed him on the cheek. So I secretly hated her for dating the cutest guy at EFY and for being prettier than me UNTIL I found out they were siblings and discovered how sweet Kari is and now I love her to bits.
  52. I have a journal of comedy routines and ideas for when I go pro. Sad but true.
  53. I am pretty clueless when it comes to politics and current events so I rely on Rennai because she knows everything.
  54. I have a shooter (strained eye muscle) that pulls my right eye muscle so that my vision is angled and I mostly see double all of the time. {This sometimes causes me to get number on the dice confused} I should probably wear glasses.
  55. I used to know all the lyrics to every song on the linkin park cd. Man, I was SO so cool!
  56. I am an animal LOVER and Bret is not. I love doggies and especially pomeranians. My first dog Gigi was a white pom and she would follow me around my house. Then I had gunner who was a long hair chihuahua who was the most mellow and loyal dog ever, he died at a young age. My last dog was Je Suis my 2.5lb black pom who was super smart and sweet as can be. My heart broke when she was stolen on Kingston's birthday. I still think about her all the time. Someone please give her back to me!
  57. I have never broken a bone before.
  58. I dream of working with the Church Education System some day. Some of my hero's are Jeffery R. Holland, John Bytheway and Troy Dunn. I just can't get enough.
  59. I have a perfectly normal relationship with food. I eat food and food makes me happy in return. Sweets and I are particularly close.
  60. I may or may not have hidden a box of Twinkies last year so that Bret wouldn’t know and I wouldn’t have to share. Bret said I couldn’t have Twinkies’s for my birthday this year because they are toxic waste, then he went and ate hamburger helper.
  61. I am terrified of putting my hand down the kitchen sink.
  62. I had a beta fish named Ruby for 3 years. One day I was cleaning his bowl and he flopped out into the kitchen sink. I was too afraid to stick my hand down the disposal to rescue him but I also didn’t want him to die a slow death so I shut my eyes and plugged my ears and and flipped the garbage disposal on.
  63. I have frequent nightmares of aquatic creatures attacking me. They are so vivid!
  64. I have visited 16 states and hope to visit all 50 states in my lifetime.
  65. For Christmas one year I performed sign language to the word of Silent Night by Yanni. This was before Napoleon Dynamite came out. Sign language + Yanni = I AM SUCH A LOSER!
  66. My favorite temple is the Salt Lake Temple ever since the movie The Mountain of the Lord. Knowing that, my darling husband proposed to me there and then we were sealed in the SLC temple a few months later. I love him.
  67. Whenever I can’t do anything Bret reminds me that I have zero upper body strength. As much as I would like to disagree it’s possible he might possibly maybe actually be right.
  68. My favorite veggies are broccoli and asparagus.
  69. Our first kiss was a magical kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower. (in Vegas baby!)
  70. I am madly in love with my in-laws and wish we could live with them or see them all the time. I am so lucky!
  71. I am afraid of the end of the world, even though I shouldn’t be.
  72. I completed the seminary teacher training at ASU in 2 semesters. (anyone looking for a substitute?)
  73. I love to miss match.
  74. I hate lose hairs especially in the bathroom. Gross!
  75. I do not know how to type with my fingers at HOME. That’s right people I am a finger pecker.
  76. I love to dress up and eat candy therefore I love HALLOWEEN!
  77. It’s possible I may have made up a fake identity for a day or two once or twice to avoid an unwanted relationship.
  78. I need change. I go crazy without it. I get bored very easily.
  79. Cruises are my favorite way to vacation.
  80. One time I drove away from the gas station with the gas hose still attached to my car. Don’t worry I took it back.
  81. The older I get the harder it is to embarrass me. You can guess why.
  82. I happen to REALLY like poker which I think I am good at. I tell my self it’s ok because I only play for the satisfaction of winning. I also love watching the World Championship of poker. I have been a good girl though and haven’t watched or played in months.
  83. I am increasingly impatient and impulsive.
  84. I love surprises but I am horrible at keeping them a secret. I dislike when Bret tells me about a surprise he has for me especially when he makes me wait a long long time to get it, like a whole day or something. I am also a good investigator to figure out what my surprises are ;)
  85. I have not read Twilight at all this year. I should probably be kicked out of the fan club.
  86. I used to collect items such as salt and pepper shakers and silverware from restaurants with my friend in high school. Hey! You call it thievery I call it collecting. Plus I donated it all later on anyways.
  87. I can hold my breath for a really REALLY long time.
  88. I used to make myself time capsules and bury them in the back yard. The longest I waited to dig one up was a week because I could’t wait to see what I put in it!!
  89. As the youngest I used to get blamed a lot for anything and everything. (it was probably me anyways).
  90. I love junking and re purposing old stuff.
  91. I have experimented with tattoo removal. It can cost $1300 to have a tattoo removed professionally but it only cost me 20 cents. I recommend going to a professional.
  92. unfortunately I still have 3 and 1/2 tattoos :( I had bad judgment in my adolescence and went through a rough patch.
  93. I went to cosmetology school 5 years ago. Consequently I change my hair a lot. I really want to color my hair brown but Bret likes blonde hair :(
  94. I love to listen to audio books and my favorite show is The 4400
  95. I love to dance and watch others dance.
  96. I had really bad insomnia for 2 years. I spent many late nights at Denny’s eating french toast and chocolate milk.
  97. One time a guy bet me $5 I couln’t eat a tripple burger at Denny’s and all my seasoned fries. I had like 2 fries left and pretended like I couldn’t finish. He almost fell for it too until I ate the last fries while doing my happy dance. I should have made it $10.
  98. I am definitely not the most domestic person you know.
  99. one time (before I was 8) I went with my twin to his friends fort and we spent the whole day saying every curse word we knew for no reason. I don’t think we knew very many bad words but I never felt so bad in my life.
  100. I am generally a happy and optimistic person with enthusiasm for life.


Jacqui said...

What are the 100 questions to answer? That sounds fun to do with Josh :-) Oh and what did you get held at gunpoint for!? That's funny! Loved it!

brett and carly said...

That was so fun to read... so much I didn't know! :)

Rennai said...

1. I also rarely shave for the same reasons
2. Nie Nie = inspiration
3.I could watch P&P and the Notebook every day, and ususally do at least once a month.
4. I'm with Bret on the ticklish stuff.
5. You have 2 personal grammar and spell checkers.
6.Snakes = awesome
7. I was there for the pre wedding burn. It was awful
8. I love Steven
9. I really do know everything. If we ever play trivia games, you want me on your team.
10. The garbage disposal fish is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
11. I helped you experiment with tattoo removal. Not the most genius idea ever :)
12. You are hilarious and I love my BFF

Lisa Keime said...


I know you pretty well. I wasn't surprised and any of those.

You are awesome!

Sarah said...

That was so fun to read Becki! I love reading your blog! And way to go for coming up with 100 things!! I think I could only get out like 20, and thats if I racked my brain. Your awesome!

Anonymous said...

That was pretty fantastic to read. I hope that we can be friends again when you move. I feel kind of weird that I haven't seen darling London yet. I also am glad you commented on my blog because I think you are screening my texts.

Anonymous said...
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Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

That was a good read... thanks for not metioning names on 26 lol (still what I consider my most embarrassing momemt EVER!). I love you, have always loved you and will always love you forever just beacause your you!!!

Natali said...

Wow, we do have a lot in common…even just little things like wanting to join the air force for like three days and rolling our tongues….except you are WAY more domestic than me haha. I can’t even sew a button back on.

9. Wow lucky girl! Well I guess we have a commonality in how often we shave but unfortunately for Reed, my hair is anything but invisible haha.
18. Awww Pride and Prejudice…Love.
35. Did you seriously full out punch him or was it more like a slap? Wow Becki…I thought I was feisty haha
37. I’m pretty sure with the way life works you will have those twins on that last pregnancy that happened AFTER you already swore you wouldn’t have any more haha.
43. Reed says no to my desires for a pet snake too :(
62. This is the saddest story! Rest in Peace Ruby :(
69. I am incredibly jealous :(
88. Haha that’s so cute
98. I don’t know you very well but so far I’m going to have to disagree with you…you must know way more domestic people than me cause you seem SO much more domestic than anyone I know!

Reed said...

Becki! Bring your poker chips to the lake! And bring your A-game because Natali and I play online together all the time ;) Its time to end your current poker drought.