Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Dare You

Last night I went looking for a nightly read and found The Love Dare which my mom got for me in February. I decided right then 6 months was too long to wait to read this book. After reading the intro I realized it's more of a daily challenge and not much of a novel but Bret and I are starting the Love Dare on each other and I am pumped. I can't wait to see where this challenge leads our relationship. I love to LOVE.

In the mean time I started reading Endless Profits by Infusionsoft's Tyler Garns and I finished it already! As a small business owner I found myself with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for my business and I just can't wait to get to work. I've since started reading The Edge of Success by Clate Mask CEO and co-Founder of Infusionsoft. I am lucky enough to enjoy Infusion's fully automated software. It is something great for all of you small business owners to look into. Bret is fortunate enough to work for Infusionsoft and all the super fun people there. I keep telling him to get me a job there! LUCKY!


Tami said...

Becki you are amazing- taking care of two kids, making the cutest things for whippy cake, blogging, buying a new house, moving, ect. and reading books in all your spare time! I love you

Tami said...

Becki you are amazing- taking care of two kids, making the cutest things for whippy cake, blogging, buying a new house, moving, ect. and reading books in all your spare time! I love you

Jenifer said...

Seriously Becki! You have time to read?! Go you! You are super mom!