Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My other half

Can you have more than 1 other half? I was born with a twin who has been my other half my whole life and then I married Bret who quickly became my other half (the responsible, logical, patient, good looking, smart and spiritual half) To answer my own question I would say "Yes!" and oh boy does that make me lucky!

I asked my dad for some baby pictures of me to compare to Lo and he sent me a whole bunch of treasures to behold. As I was looking through these pictures my breath caught as i thought of my twin brother Brad (or B*rad as I like to call him). He is pretty close to being the cutest little boy I ever did see (he's tied w/ Kingston)
He is so adorable, I look more like a boy than he does so in case you are wondering he is the one on the right. I like him a lot... enough to hold his hand even. I am so glad he is my friend.
so much I liked to be near him (or on him) Sorry brother but thanks for sharing with me.
{I am pretty sure Kingston looks like him in these pictures.}
I wish I was a little kid again. I wish we could be small and innocent and play together all day and make messes we don't have to clean up. On the other hand I didn't have hair or Bret back then so I guess I am ok with where I am at now.

What could I have possibly done to have 2 other halves! I Love them.

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