Monday, November 3, 2008


For Halloween we went to our ward Trunk or Treat Party where individuals decorate their trunks and passes out candy to trick or treaters. Since Kingston is to young to trick or treat we decorated our own trunk. Behind our House of Horrow we held several bowls of grossly textured food for the kiddies to touch and feel them. We told the kids they were touch eyeballs, fingers, worms, and brains even though it was really just noodles, olives, baby carrots and mushy marshmellows. It was a lot of work but hopefully the kids liked it.

We were going to be Mario & Luigi but Bret only wanted to be an old man. So He was a dirty old man and I was his pregnant gold diggin' girlfriend. Goody for me, I got to be the punchline in all his dirty old man jokes. It was pretty funny, for everyone but me. Oh well, at least I got to hide in the back of the car most the night.
Afterward we went to Barry's house to hang out with him and Lisa and his hilariously dressed roommates. We didn't get a chance to take a picture of Kingston in his costume because it was to darn hot to keep him in it all night and our good friend Shye so sweetly took the pictures of us at the end of the night when he was out of his attire. I will try and find a way to take one of him though because it's sooo cute!

1 comment:

The Brinkerhoff's said...

you don't even have a belly!!! Your like tiny... you should have seen me