Monday, October 15, 2007

Nesting stage?

I know pregnant women supposedly go through a nesting stage where they clean or cook a lot, I think mine is crafting... While I was in Utah my mom and I made 4 blankets and 2 yankies (mini blankets), and a boppy cover (nursing pillow). We also cut out a billion quilting squares. My mom gets most the credit for the crib blanket because she pretty much master that one her self since the material was impossible to work with. Turned out Perfect though. My mother-in-law gave me the idea for the fuzzy borders... so fun and soft! I love both of them!!!


Rennai said...

Wow look at you my super talented and perfectly creative BFF! I love all of these, and wow you're mom is amazing! I am so jealous I want one of those for myself ;) King is going to be such a rock star I can't wait!

Tami said...

So cute! I love the browns instead of blue, its so cute and unique!

Shelley said...

Becki, they all turned out sooo cute!! Your moms quilt is adorable and looks so soft and fluffy! I just can't hardly wait 48 more days!!