Tuesday, August 18, 2009

100 things about Bret

I took the plunge and finally made a list. Make sure to see Becki's list down below too.

1. I love sports. I wish I played them more and I wish I was a better athlete, but I love playing and watching sports, particularly Phoenix teams (Suns, D-backs, Cardinals, & ASU) and BYU.
2. My favorite TV show is Sportscenter.
3. My 2nd favorite TV show is The Office.
4. After BYU lost in the 1st round of the NCAA tournament again last year, I vowed to stop rooting for them and to stop caring, but alas, it is engrained in my system. All the time spent with Dad growing up cheering for them and getting our hearts broken again and again because of them is too much of a bond to overcome. (I can hear Barry laughing at me as I write this).
5. I passed the CPA Exam and will have my license by the end of the year.
6. I seriously work at the coolest company in the world. It’s called Infusionsoft. Really, you should check it out if you haven’t yet. Here’s a link. We’re going to soon take over the world so you should get on board now while you still have a chance.
7. I love my family very much and I think they are the best in the whole wide world.
8. My heroes are my two older brothers, my Dad, Grandpa Crosby, Pompa, and Nephi.
9. I don’t believe that Becki weighed as much when we met as she did right before she gave birth to Kingston. There’s no way.
10. I collected GI Joe action figures growing up. I had over 100 men and over 30 vehicles. My mom let me set up 3 shelves in my room just so I could stand them all up to display them. I could always count on getting new men and tanks for birthdays and for Christmas.
11. I want to go see GI Joe the movie really bad.
12. I can make pretty good machine gun and exploding missile sounds.
13. This may offend some people, but I am really not a fan of obese people. I know, I know, some of them can’t help it or were doomed from birth because of their parents and the way they were raised, but I just can’t see how they wouldn’t do whatever it takes to change their eating habits, exercise habits, and lifestyle habits to lose the weight. I’m not saying they need to be 180 pounds and in prime physical condition, I’m just saying 400 pounds is a little excessive dude. Seriously.
14. I sometimes say what I really think which may be offensive to overly-sensitive people. ;)
15. I hate wasting money. For the most part, I consider buying the latest and greatest things brand new wasting money.
16. I have kept track of every dollar I’ve spent since getting my Personal Management merit badge when I was 14. Some may call me obsessive or cheap, I call it fiscally responsible and thrifty.
17. I have never paid a late fee or an overdraft fee.
18. I have paid speeding ticket fees. But none since I’ve been married.
19. I have been married for 3 years on August 19th, 2006. This was our one year anniversary date of when we officially starting dating in 2005.
20. I thought it was very impractical and illogical to travel way up to Salt Lake City to get married when there is a temple 10 minutes away from our house.
21. I am glad my wife helps me do impractical and illogical things every once in a while.
22. I’m not gonna lie, I pick my nose…
23. …and I have gas most of the time.
24. For our senior prank, my 3 best friends and I planned the best heist ever. We thought of every angle to make sure we wouldn’t get caught…
25. I have been charged with a felony (4th degree burglary), and 4 misdemeanors (theft, conspiracy to theft, trespassing on government property, and tampering with the public education process).
26. I was one of 8 Valedictorians from my high school. Hey, don’t hate, I just benefited from the system that was put in place to give everyone with a 4.0 the award.
27. I don’t tell people about the system that was in place when I put High School Valedictorian on my résumé.
28. I love going home to visit Mom & Dad in Eagar. Mom happily makes us breakfast, lunch and dinner while we’re there, it’s not 110 degrees, & usually I get out of changing diapers for a few days.
29. I think my Mom is the best Mom in the whole wide world.
30. I served my mission in Arequipa, Peru and Richmond, Virginia. I couldn’t get my Visa so I waited in Virginia Beach for almost 6 months before I finally was able to go to Peru.
31. I have two kids. Crazy.
32. I eat practically the same lunch every day: a couple of sandwiches, an apple, a Yoplait yogurt, maybe some chips, maybe a Snack Pack pudding, and I might go crazy and throw in a cheese stick or a bag of baby carrots.
33. I love when Becki makes enough dinner to have leftovers the next day so I don’t have to eat practically the same lunch every day.
34. My all time favorite fast food is The Whopper Sandwich, most especially when it’s only a $1.00. See #’s 15 & 16.
35. When The Whopper Sandwich is not $1.00, I don’t mind settling for 2 Whopper Jr. Sandwiches for $1.00 each.
36. I do not want to learn 5 languages (sorry Natali and Mark). Learning Spanish was hard enough and I prefer to not go through that again.
37. I was in the same single’s ward my entire 4 year career as a single. That includes both before and after the mission. How many of you can say that? Whabam!
38. I don’t know why I am proud that I was only in one single’s ward my entire career as a single.
39. I prefer listening to music a whole CD at a time. And yes, I still have my CD collection from high school that I still listen to via CD, although, Pandora radio is catching on.
40. I absolutely hate throwing up. It is the single most horrible experience of my life I can think of.
41. If people watch or hear me throwing up, they will agree that to me throwing up is the single most horrible experience of my life.
42. The only movie I have ever seen more than once in a movie theater is Napoleon Dynamite.
43. I worked as a lifeguard during high school. I did the early morning shift. I was supposed to be there at 4:30 for the 5am session, but usually half the ladies beat me to the pool.
44. I used to go to sleep while watching all the old ladies “swim.”
45. I would pray every morning that none of the ladies would slip and fall while showering and require medical attention.
46. I used to be able to dunk a basketball. Ever since I jacked up my ankle I can’t jump as high as I used to.
47. I blame not being able to jump as high as I used to on my ankle, when really it’s probably because I don’t really work out anymore.
48. I have a goal to read more books. I want to read one business book and one church book per month.
49. One of these days I’m going to start my goal to read more books. It used to be, once I’m done with school, now it’s after we move into the new house.
50. I cannot friggin’ wait to move into our new house.
51. I used to always win when I played Monopoly with my brothers and sisters growing up.
52. I don’t win Monopoly every time now.
53. I consistently read Race Davis’ blog. The kid is hilarious. See for yourself.
54. I love that my wife is creative and is always making something.
55. I can’t friggin’ wait to move into our new house where she’ll have a whole room to herself to be creative and always be making something.
56. My favorite general authority is Elder Henry B. Eyring. He reminds me of Grandpa Crosby.
57. Elder Eyring was on the same plane as me when I flew down to Peru. I got to shake his hand in the airport before the flight. A cherished moment.
58. My favorite Blizzard and Cold Stone concoction is anything with cheese cake in it. Mmm.
59. I am a firm believer in the EFY program. I hope it’s still around to send my kids there when they are teenagers.
60. I am pretty good at making up group cheers for EFY. If you’re lucky and ask nicely, I might show you some of them.
61. I have never drank alcohol, smoked a cigarette, drank tea or coffee, or taken any illegal or performance enhancing drugs.
62. Ok, this is taking way too long. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters.
63. I was born on December 30th, 1981.
64. One day earlier this year on the way home from school, I actually had to do the math in my head to calculate if I was 26 or 27 years old.
65. I am 27 years old.
66. Instead of getting my wisdom teeth pulled before my mission, my dentist convinced me to pull out my 4 back molars and let the wisdom teeth grow in their place.
67. Every dentist I’ve gone to since the dentist that pulled my 4 back molars has told me that wasn’t a good idea.
68. In high school, my Dad paid me $50 for not eating any candy for a whole year. Fortunately, my Mom’s homemade baked goods were not on the forbidden list.
69. In high school, my Dad paid me another $50 for not drinking any soda for a whole year.
70. I made $100 from my Dad 2 years in a row and I promise I didn’t cheat.
71. I want to serve a mission or 2 with Becki when we’re old.
72. I correct Becki’s grammar and misspelled words, even in her text messages.
73. I sometimes make grammar mistakes and misspell words.
74. I didn’t pay a penny to ASU to get my Bachelor’s degree. Can you say Scholarship? ;)
75. I haven’t paid a penny to ASU to get my Master’s degree.
76. I will pay approximately one million, six hundred thousand pennies plus interest to ASU for my Master’s degree.
77. Even though Kingston watches the movie Cars at least once per day, every time it’s on and I’m home I find myself drawn in and sitting down and watching it with him. It’s a pretty good movie! (Or maybe I'm just easily entertained).
78. At Casey Stokes’ slumber birthday party in 7th grade, (maybe it was 6th) we played truth or dare and I had to give his step-Mom a full frontal hug the next morning as we were leaving.
79. In 7th grade, my peers and I thought Casey Stokes’ Mom was extremely hot.
80. Whenever I hear the song “Stacy’s Mom” I sing along and change the words to “Casey’s Mom.”
81. Some of my favorite bands in High School were Bush, Live, Collective Soul, Eve 6, Our Lady Peace & Green Day.
82. Some of my favorite bands now are Jack Johnson, Lifehouse, The All-American Rejects, & Cake.
83. I have seen Cake in concert 3 times.
84. Making this list has officially been the longest Family Home Evening Becki and I have ever had.
85. Once in my single’s ward, our elder’s quorum was challenged to memorize the Proclamation to the World on the Family and I did it.
86. I have since forgotten the Proclamation to the World on the Family.
87. Once in high school, I made out with a girl without untouching our lips for 32 minutes straight. Yeah, I timed it. I told myself going into the session that I would not be the one to pull away first, and well, the rest is history.
88. I hate the San Antonio Spurs.
89. I wish I would have learned more sweet skills from my Dad. Seriously the man can do anything; weld, fix vehicles & machinery, garden, build stuff, landscape, build houses, lay carpet, lay tile, fix boats, ride horses, raise chickens, pigs, cows, rabbits, & ostriches, and the list goes on.
90. I hate making important decisions. I would almost just have someone else make the decision for me, or procrastinate so long that the decision makes itself.
91. I highly recommend that everyone, especially members of the Crosby family, read Testimonies for the Truth by Benjamin Brown. Bro. Brown was the mission companion of Jesse Wentworth Crosby, who was the first Crosby to join the church. If I am not mistaken, one of Jesse’s daughters married one of Ben’s sons or something like that, so I think he is related to us too. Check it out here. Seriously, it’s amazing. I just skimmed this version I just found online and I think it's a shortened version than the hard copy that I have. Let me know if any of you would like a copy of the real deal.
92. I had to pay 5 unpaid parking tickets to ASU in order to get my Bachelor’s degree. It was still much cheaper than paying for a permit every semester.
93. When I was filling out a get to know you list for our new ward on Sunday, there was not enough space to fit all of Becki’s talents in the box. I left my box blank.
94. My favorite temple is the Nauvoo temple. One of my favorite memories is cleaning it with my Dad.
95. Right before my mission, I faked sick at work so I could go to a free Lifehouse concert at the mall. I got to meet Jason Wade and the entire band. I felt really bad afterwards though.
96. I don’t like change. I like making a plan and sticking to it. Unfortunately for Becki I’m not very impulsive and don’t really like surprises.
97. I think I’m pretty romantic, but pretty much only on holidays and special occasions. I send Becki on well thought out scavenger hunts, write meaningful letters, and other special gifts. Go ahead, ask Becki about them. ;)
98. I listen to sports talk radio to and from work. I prefer Sports 620, but if it’s a commercial I’ll switch over to Xtra Sports 910. If that’s a commercial too, I’ll venture over to the fm world and listen to The Edge or KUPD, and maybe sometimes Mix 96.9.
99. I coined the phrase “If you’re not happy, you’re not grateful.” I’ve been quoted on it before.
100. I’m a packrat and hate throwing stuff away, especially if it has sentimental value. Many of my personal belongings have sentimental value that Becki doesn’t understand.


Rylee said...

oh bret i love you! so many funny things on this list...
i quoted your quote in a talk in church here in vegas when we first moved here. no lie.
i too think race davis is hillarious.
the 32 minutes straight of untouching lip kissing is kinda sick....who was it????
the dentist convinced me to get my back molars pulled and let my wisdom teeth grow in too! probably the same dentist.
i'm still upset about you guys getting caught for your senior prank.

I'm glad I knew you in highschool! Good memories with you Bret!

Mark said...

Congrats on the CPA exam! Did you stick with Bisk the whole time? I've got about 6 weeks to finish all my continuing education and renew my license, so I'm back in study mode.

Drop me a line sometime. I don't know how to reach you other than your blog.
Mark Smith

Jacqui said...

I love hearing Eric tell the story of "the Senior Prank" and of you guys getting arrested... that is the best story!

Rennai said...

I love that you consider your life as a single man a "career" hahaha. It is hard work, isn't it?

Rusty and Ashley said...

Seriously, one of the greatest pranks ever! Classic! Oh, and I really want to know who the 32 min kiss was with. My hat is off to her!

Natali said...

I don't know if I'm allowed to comment yet since technically Reed still could back out...(But I plan on hiding his running shoes before the wedding just in case...No one can escape in dress shoes :)) haha but anyways I really enjoyed your list. Helped me learn a lot about you and also to understand where Reed picked up a lot of his habits and traits :).

14—I always say what I think too…I grew up in a very blunt family, It shocks me when people don’t want to hear the truth haha
25—Reed is happy you wrote this one. It makes his toilet papering adventures, that got me so worked up when I found out, seem not so bad haha
34—The Whopper is pretty much the best deal in America
58—Mine too! Good taste in food
74,75—Wow that’s awesome!
83—That explains Reed’s incredible love for this band I had never heard of before. Don’t tell I told but he constantly sings Cake songs at full volume when driving in his car ;)…I have a video if you wanna make an offer on it haha

Rennai said...

LOl to Natali, I think the same things when I read Crosby Crew blogs, I still have yet to comment there. I am not even CLOSE to related to anyone!

Bret said...

What? Rennai you can absolutely commment on the Crew blog. You are Becki's best friend and that most certainly qualifies you to comment (if you need a qualifier at all). Natali, how funny you even question it. Of course you can comment! Bring 'em on!

Reed said...

Well I'm glad you made that list man. I definitely learned a few things about you that I didn't know. I inherited a few things from you like my hate of the Spurs and always picking BYU to get out of the 1st round of the NCAA tournament telling myself that this year is the year.
You should ask Natali about Henry B Eyring. She has a pretty cool story about him from her recent Photo shoots with the BYU newspaper.
Well Bro se you next week!

Mark said...

I enjoyed your list brother, funny stuff, I esp loved the Casey's mom thing, and I'm with you on the whole BYU thing - it's in the blood. I have gas and pick my nose too...I think it's a guy thing. Definitely agree with 29 and 89, love you man!