Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I keep getting tagged so I am FINALLY playing along. I guess I am supposed to write 6 random facts about me, so here I go...

1. I just changed my lucky number from 6 to 7 because Kingston was born on Dec 7th at 7pm in the year 2007. Oh, and there's a lot of 7's in my phone number.
2. I decided yesterday that my new favorite food is hot wings, I prefer BBQ wings but hot wings are good too and I always want to eat them. Always!
3. I secretly wish I was a stand-up comedian and sometimes I think of my own comedian acts.
4. I love to watch Rob and Big and they have inspired me to get a mini horse when I get a backyard.
5. I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast with no signs of getting sick of it any time soon. Preferably the fruit kind or maple and brown sugar.
6. I asked my husband for a pull up bar for Valentines Day so I can learn how to do pull ups in our house like Will Smith in "I am Legend"

I tag Rennai, Britta and Heather G.

1 comment:

Rennai said...

Yay you tagged me with the short one!!