Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!

Oiy, this week has been rough. Life is fantastic and the kids have been great and business is starting to flow nicely now... I on the other hand have felt like Charlie Sheen this week. All sorts of crazy going on up in here. The universe has got me in a choke hold that's for certain bc we are not at one with another at the moment. My poor, pooooor husband. The man could probably use a man date or something that will get him away from me. I'm sure he's realized by now to walk softly stranger bc this girl is a landmine ready to explode and take out whatever appendages I can if I feel like it. Or I might turn into a puddle of tears or a bag of disdain and negativity. He just can't win this week and he knows it. I feel like I've been poisoned or something and I just need to let it run it's course but it could be a side effect from the hormones and junk I had in me. Who knows, I am just anxious to get back to the old me. In the mean time I hope the poor man will forgive me and hang in there.

1 comment:

Barnes Blog said...

Oh poor thing, I just went through that same thing...kind still at the tail end of it. I love ya, I hope things get better. Drink lots of water, cleanse it out, leave sugar out of your diet for a few days, see if that helps.