Friday, May 28, 2010

Why I don't blog...

that was a tricky title because I am blogging right now so technically I do blog. Got ya!

I haven't been blogging frequently because not much is going on.

Bret works and has been watching the Suns in the playoffs at Barry's house {we don't have cable. sorry Lisa}

I have been working and managing the house and kids. I did have 2 full nights of sleep IN A ROW this week and I made some huge progress at work with the help of some fantastically amazing ladies.

The kids have been working... against my efforts to keep the house clean and be productive.

London is turning into Kingston. Heaven HELP us all! The only difference is she is so clumsy she ends up hurting herself more than anything else. She has become a canvas of bruises from all her falling and bonking but she is still successful in her efforts to leave a trail of destruction and chaos. Awe, so sweet.

Kingston has been attached to me every second of the day with bronchitis, pneumonia and an ear infection. It's incredibly sad but I sure do enjoy the hours of snuggling and cuddling he has surrendered to. All I can say is "My poor baby!"

I hear my patient crying now so that's all for now.


The Brinkerhoff's said...

oH MAN nOthING wOrsE tHAn a siCK baBE!! hoPE hE mENDS qUIcKLY!! wE nEED tO gET togETHER tHis SumMer wITh tHE kiDDOs!!

Cj-Sg said...

Poor baby! Enjoy the cuddles, he's been sick for a while...poor him poor you!