Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Video Blast

Since I work through the internet a lot of youtube videos pass through my in-box. Here are a few of my favorites I've seen recently.

Just saw this one today on my customers blog all the way from Norway. I might be weird but I feel so envious of the individuals who got to participate in the making of this video. They look so HAPPY, it just makes me so happy to watch it, especially the janitor. The pink glove dance has started a trend on youtube and I was happy to see so many people enthusiastic about the cause and eager to make their own videos. Nothing short of AWESOME!

My daddy sent me this one. It's one of those videos where you doubt it can be "that" cool but then the coolness comes out and slaps you in the face over and over again. AWESOME all the way through to the end folks!

This video made it's way all the way around Bret's office at work and then to me. Mother, father AWESOME! When baby number 3 makes a debut I will rally for my own swagger wagon for sure!

and here are some oldies that I just NEVER get tired of....


Shameful, but this one is memorize by now.

I like em too.

My little Croissant! You have to click {HERE} to see this one. Best and only good video by MadTV.

I'm stopping now, but you are welcome for wasting your time.


Bret said...

Love the videos babe. Love the Swagger Wagon for sure.

Heather said...

Yes do did waste my time and I thank you for that.
I love the jump roping one. That really is amazing.
plus the swagger wagon. You can't beat that.


The Swagger Wagon is awesome!!!

Tami said...

The first one especially brightened my day! Thanks! I too want a swagger wagon.

Marily said...

THanks for the videos. I sent the swagger wagon to Mark at work. He'll probably show it in his next team meeting. Seriously, he probably will.