Friday, October 15, 2010

Reoccuring thought

Last night we went to the temple. It was pretty great as you could expect. The experience had it's up and down moments. Down moment: we missed the session with our ward. Up moment: we were there together and we still had a great experience. On our way to our car after the session, we passed an extremely old elderly couple. The husband was decrepit and was bent half way over as he walked. The wife was patiently helping him along by his arm and waist as they had to stop and rest every couple of paces. She gave me one of the sweetest smiles I have ever witnessed. The kind of smile that brushes up against your heart and leaves a tender sweet residue with you that lasts for days. I couldn't help but notice the struggle her companion was having just to take a few steps. I also couldn't help but notice the undeniable glee and happiness dancing across her face and infecting the atmosphere around them as they moved at a glacial pace so patiently and pleasantly across the parking lot. As we were pulling out of the parking lot I caught a glimpse of them once more only a few feet away from where they had been when we passed them earlier. He was still hunched over and struggling and she was still vividly smiling as other couples bustled past them. I felt several things from looking at them. I wanted to help him, or make Bret go fetch their car and bring it to them. I wanted to see them 60 years earlier and witness them when they were our age. I wanted to sit with the wife and absorb more of her smile and her presence. I wanted to pass through my day as slowly as he must do and see all the details around him as he might see. But mostly... I hoped to be next to my husband as long as this woman has been next to hers.

And if I am half as happy as she is I wouldn't mind that either!


Shelley said...

Becki, your posst always bring tears to my eyes with your insight and caring. Thanks for making me think that old age might not be to bad, although I'm sure it will be LaVerl helping me along. I can only hope that he will have a smile on his face!

Lisa said...

so sweet!

Stefanie Hyer said...

That is very sweet! I also wish to be that happy, next to my husband for that long!