Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Not much going on here, everything is a little ho-hum actually. Kingston was pretty sick there for several days and Bret and I have been living up to our workaholic stereotypes.


We got to dog sit the sweet Bella for a week and now I REALLY want a puppy. I also painted the studio with the help of a selfless friend {pictures on my whippy blog}. Jessi also gave me Rock Star toes for my first time. Bret is working on the yard still so we can plant some trees, a garden and some beautiful flowers. Both the kids are smarter than I and they make me so happy even when they wear me out.

Our Book of Mormon goal started out really difficult for me. I read about 32 pages in the first 4 days. Since then I have done much better and have cought up mostly. Bret is here to make sure I don't give up and I love him for it. We also have been sitting in on the missionary lessons with our super great neighbors. Each time we get together the spirit is very strong and I am so happy to be a witness of the truthfulness of the gospel. It makes me appreciate what I know and then I want to share it some more. {consider that your warning... you know who}.

God is so perfect. Only he knows everything and can arrange our lives accordingly. I feel comforted knowing he is in control, and thankful. Sometimes I am sad though that I am not different. Like my friends that are on time no matter what and organized, or who never have the desire to complain or think negatively of others and especially like the ones who cook, clean and have time for everybody and of course do it all happily {yes they do exist!}. Not me, I am much more selfish and undisciplined than that. Most of the time I like myself the way I am, but tonight I want to be like them. Ho-hum.


britney said...

I know I dont really know you, but I just wanted to tell you thank you & how much I appreciate your comment: "God is so perfect. Only he knows everything and can arrange our lives accordingly." It is exactly what I needed to be reminded of today. Especially when life throws you a million curves, and you aren't sure why. Thanks - you are a a sweet person, and have such a sweet family. Tell Bret I said he is lucky to have you!

Anonymous said...

It's weird to hear someone who seems to me to have it so together all of the time want more from yourself. You really are incredible with all that you do. Thank you for your example . I sure think you are great.

becki said...

I don't mean to be Dolly Downer. I don't think I am super horrible but I do wish I was better. It seems like someone else can always do it better. Punks!